This year the 19th version of the Scientiarum Historia had the motto “Shaking the dust”, inspired by the wonderful hymn of faith in the recovery of the human being, written by the scientist, renowned zoologist and composer Paulo Vanzolini. The motto we propose reflects the times we live in. We need to recognize the fall we have suffered, any fall you want to name – from politics, from culture, from society, from education, from the university. We need to reflect on all that is happening in Brazil and in the world, we need to shake off the dust. This is what the Scientiarum Historia XI Congress wants to do. Turn around, as the song says, that's another 500. Time will tell if we can get that far.

In this edition of the Revista Scientiarum Historia, the best works presented at the Scientiarum Historia XI Congress are published.


Published: 2019-12-09