Museu de mim: o instagram e o legado memorialístico

Keywords: Instagram, Social memory, Digital photografy, Social networks


This article presents a reflection about the use of the social network Instagram and its consequences for collective and individual memory. It is known that users of social networks are not always concerned with the truth of what is posted, especially when it comes to personal photographs: only what is good deserves to be posted not the totality of what was lived, but an edited, thoughtful, filtered fragment of what is real. These are tendencies of a significant fraction of social networks profiles, which are thus based on pseudoreal facts. If Instagram is a form of personal memory, what kind of record is being left for the future? These and other issues that will guide this article.


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How to Cite
Fernandes, M. (2019). Museu de mim: o instagram e o legado memorialístico. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 1, 8.
Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade