Semiotic bombs: the communicational event in the hybrid war

Keywords: Semiotic bomb. Communication philosophy. Semiotics. Hybrid warfare. Communicational event.


In addition to the discussions of how Brazil was enmeshed by the geopolitical chess of hybrid warfare combined with lawfare strategies, there is an unanswered question: how the events started with the so-called Jornadas de Junho, in 2013, managed to reach an unprecedented level of communicational effectiveness and collective mobilization, impacting public opinion and radically changing the national political agenda? At that time, we noticed a new element entering the scene: a new political communication strategy, very different from the classic hypodermic advertising strategies. A new communicational strategy that we conceptualize as semiotic bombs: hybrid strategies of political action through the media, operating with simultaneous semiotic, cognitive, psychological and phenomenological vectors, in such a way that the media narrative is able to coincide with the personal journey of the receivers / observers . This is the realization of the communicational event. Resulting in atmospheric phenomena such as opinion climates, shock waves, event horizons and other phenomena that can only be understood through a transdisciplinary approach.


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