For a sociology of the round

Keywords: Mathematics, Body, Circus, Space, Time., Round


Seeking to broaden the possibilities of understanding mathematics through the learning by the body, we propose the approximation between mathematicians and circus artists. The circus brings together and highlights the five dimensions: body, space and time, and thus allows to approach mathematics in concepts. Both the mathematician and the circus performer observe, understand, elaborate concepts, explanations for concepts, and expressions of concepts in their comfortable languages. Under the proposal of a sociology of the round, everything starts from the encounter, the conjugation of a common expression, and results in a mathematics that can be explained and understood by the word as well as the body, told in stories and performances.


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How to Cite
Cafezeiro, I., & Kubrusly, R. (2019). For a sociology of the round. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 1, 7.
História e Filosofia das Ciências e da Matemática