Knowledge and metacognition: systematization and analysis of innovative thinking in collaborative learning

  • Emanuelle Marques Pereira Simas Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Carla Verônica Machado Marques Associação Brasileira de Problemas de Aprendizagem
Keywords: Epistemology, Mental Space Theory, Cognitive Linguistics


This paper aims to report the process of implementation of the metacognitive approach in the formation of undergraduate students in speech therapy. The objective of this study was to analyze the impact of this approach, investigating the evolution of the complexity of student solutions in the face of problems with an undetermined number of possible answers. The survey had 40 students, lasting ten weeks, with a total of forty hours of face-to-face data collection and 200 hours of distance data collection. The shift from passive posture to innovative authorial activity was verified.


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How to Cite
Marques Pereira Simas, E., & Machado Marques, C. V. (2020). Knowledge and metacognition: systematization and analysis of innovative thinking in collaborative learning. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 1, 9. Retrieved from
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