Proteção de dados e humanidades digitais no Brasil: caixas-pretas

Keywords: Sociotechnical, Post-colonialism, General personal data protection law


The effervescence of the theme of privacy and data protection around the world is growing, ranging from the preservation of the right to personality to the preservation of democratic principles as we traditionally know. Works have been developed seeking compliance with laws and regulations related to this theme, not observing a socio-technical epistemological side of digital humanities. In this paper I expose black boxes that communications make clear, serving as guide for further interdisciplinary research.


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How to Cite
Carvalho, L. P., & Oliveira, J. (2019). Proteção de dados e humanidades digitais no Brasil: caixas-pretas. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 1, 9.
Historicidade de Saberes Tecnocientíficos