Rede psi do bem: a collaborative network supported by the use of technologies during the pandemic (Covid-19)

Keywords: Mental Health and Covid-19. Perception in collaboration. Psychology ofemoji.


The Covid-19 pandemic and social isolation generated multiple effects on the environment, public health, socioeconomic indicators and, mainly, on humans. The decrease in the socio-affective relationship and the distance brought individuals a great difficulty in interacting, generating devastating effects. This investigation was intended to promote transformation in the digital environment. To this end, daily videos were created creatively during the current pandemic. The videos were composed of the participation and testimonies of specialists, children and professionals from different areas. The study aims to observe the reactions and exchanges of affection on social networks from the perspective of specialists, as well as to identify how the use of technological tools is perceived by individuals. We also seek, through this project, to understand the relations of the integration of the inter / transdisciplinary knowledge of Psychodynamics with Human Aspects in Computer Science. The research acted in bringing individuals together and interacting to build a network of affection, expanding the capacity to feel the world and the integration of human beings with technology.


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Author Biography

Maria de Fátima Rezende Francisco, Universidade Federal de São Paulo/Escola Paulista de Medicina


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How to Cite
Dias, A. F. da S., Rezende Francisco, M. de F., Oliveira França, M., Baptista dos Santos França, J., & Nakamura, M. U. (2021). Rede psi do bem: a collaborative network supported by the use of technologies during the pandemic (Covid-19). Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 1, 9.
Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade