Lima Barreto and Bispo do Rosario: narratives of resistance amidst the confinement

Keywords: Psychiatric Institutions. Lima Barreto. Bispo do Rosário. Resistance. Creation.


This article pretends to explore the resistance relationships of two interns, isolated in psychiatric institutions, spaces in which they were confined. Beginning from the respective productions of Lima Barreto and Bispo do Rosário (one writer, the other artist), we reflect about the way how each one was able to reinvent the relationships over there established in the first hand that supposed rigidity and obedience, implying in a dessubjectivation of the interns. In front of this, both were able to establish creative activities, producing other discursive modalities, subverting the logic of these spaces, allowing them to react to the confinement that was imposed on them.


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How to Cite
Machado, F., & Gomes, D. (2021). Lima Barreto and Bispo do Rosario: narratives of resistance amidst the confinement. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 1, 8.
Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade