Philosophical algorithms and the psychopolitical overcoming of fakemind: on the philosophical therapy of the of emotional plague

Keywords: Philosophical algorithms. Capacity to judge. Mental territory. Wilhelm Reich. Psychopolitical Theory.


This article aims to demonstrate that the phenomenon of fakenews goes beyond the media field and reiterates the urgency of overcoming the pandemic present in social theory and hegemonic philosophies generated by the convergence between the persistence in dualism and postmodern relativism, which has engendered a globalized fakemind that is, the radical loss of the capacity judgement to determine what is true and what is false and, thus, the return of the emotional plague as identified by Wilhelm Reich. The overtake of such a pandemic in mental territory implies overcoming both the philosophy of the subject, which has replaced in a hegemonic way the classical metaphysical ontological question about what is real with the epistemological question about what is possible to know, and the postmodern philosophy and its elimination of truth, subject and identity and thus treating in a non-dualistic way the question of what is reality. The article, based on the Psychopolitical Theory, advances the demonstration on how the communicational condition of the human being, deeply articulated with the "deep biological core of the individual" identified by Wilhelm Reich, allows an empirical, and therefore non-metaphysical, notion of truth as a correspondence between the emancipatory quality of mental states that the human being, in his fetalization, needs to establish himself as properly human and the mental states that humans use as a source of reference for their capacity of judgement throughout their lives.


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How to Cite
Cáo, J. S., Ouriques, E. V., Iachan, A. C. S., Ouriques, E. O. de A., Wähner, J., Vergara, M. S., & Oliveira, R. C. de. (2021). Philosophical algorithms and the psychopolitical overcoming of fakemind: on the philosophical therapy of the of emotional plague. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 1, 10.
Epistemologia, Lógicas e Teorias da Mente