Visual narratives: literary graffiti relations and transgressions in the urban space of the city of Rio de Janeiro

Keywords: Art, City, Urban space


This article proposes to analyze the texts and or phrases written on the city walls, naming them as "literary graffiti", in large circulation areas in downtown Rio de Janeiro. It is understood that these manifestations are forms of dialogue with the urban space and, consequently, with the citizen who lives and walks through its artery streets. It seeks to identify possible relationships, transgressions and or conflicts of these writings on the skin of the walls, in their most varied forms of expression, addressing concepts of urban art, art and artivism, urban space and poetry, seeking a transdisciplinary and epistemological view of events, most recently established in the public areas of the city, by the strong socioeconomic and political pressures.



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How to Cite
Monteiro, A. L. (2020). Visual narratives: literary graffiti relations and transgressions in the urban space of the city of Rio de Janeiro. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 2, 9.
Educação, Cultura e Cidadania