Non-formal teaching spaces: reflections on the possibilities of approach transversal themes

Keywords: Non-formal education, Environmental education, Transversal themes


The school is considered an institution whose function is to develop the training of students, giving them access to the theoretical and practical knowledge established by the society of which they are a part. However, the educational process can go beyond the walls of the school and go beyond the classroom. Social relationships experienced by each do they acquire knowledge through their own experiences related to his career. Extra-class activities are important in the educational process and can occur in different spaces present in the community, where students can have a more contextualized education that includes transversal themes. In this work, an invitation is made to reflection on non-formal learning spaces linked a transversal theme environmental for Science teaching.


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How to Cite
Tavares dos Santos, A., Tamiasso-Martinhon, P., Sanches Rocha, A., & Sousa, C. (2018). Non-formal teaching spaces: reflections on the possibilities of approach transversal themes. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 1(1), 9.
Educação, Cultura e Cidadania