In the midway: the geometric and projective draw between the “Two Cultures”

Keywords: Education, Arts, Mathematic


Geometric and Projective Draw is configured as an area of ​​knowledge that transitions between the arts and mathematics. Goes through knowledges dissocieteds, emphasizing the interdisciplinarity present in the production of human knowledge, so often overlooked by Western scientific thought. This article proposes a dialogue between the question of the transience of geometric and projective draw, in the areas of Mathematics and Arts, with the question of the evolution of scientific thought in the West, showing how this evolution directly interfered in the separation of these knowledge in the school curriculum.


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How to Cite
Dos Ramos Pinto, B. (2017). In the midway: the geometric and projective draw between the “Two Cultures”. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 1(1), 6.
Educação, Cultura e Cidadania