A new perspective on the use of DOSVOX in the treatment of cognitive disabilities

Keywords: DOXVOX, Stroke., AVC


This work presents the experience in the application of technology used for people with visual impairments in a new approach. The introduction section presents the motivations that led to its development. In the following sections, in addition to presenting the theories that linked the performance of the activity, as well as the target audience in question, a reflection on the complexity of thought is presented, for the context and definition of the proposal: the application of the DOSVOX System as a resource for the treatment of people with cognitive disabilities. Then, the actor-network theory that allows the connection between the different actors in this context is presented. The results section highlights the main observations about the work.


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How to Cite
Alves, F. E. de O. da S., & Alvares de Oliveira, D. (2017). A new perspective on the use of DOSVOX in the treatment of cognitive disabilities. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 1(1), 8. https://doi.org/10.51919/revista_sh.v1i1.163
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