Sobre padrões de distribuição e árvores evolutivas no trabalho de Fritz Müller

Keywords: Evolution, Fritz Müller, Cladogram


Fritz Müller (1822-1897) was a German naturalist who lived in Brazil in the 19th century. He was one of the first Darwinists and immediately dedicated himself to the spread of evolutionary theory, shortly after the publication of “On the origin of species”, published in 1859 by Darwin. In his work, we find references to two of the main evidences used by Darwin to support evolution: patterns of geographic distribution and genealogical or evolutionary relationships, represented by branched trees. Here, we will discuss these elements present in Müller's studies and analyze how this author used the concept of declaring three items to illuminate his hypotheses about the origin and diversity of living beings.


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How to Cite
de Souza, F. P., & Morphy dias dos Santos, C. (2017). Sobre padrões de distribuição e árvores evolutivas no trabalho de Fritz Müller. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 1(1), 8.
História e Filosofia das Ciências e da Matemática