The periphery of peripheries: a daily-life-science developed by regional laboratories of "corporate worlds": a case study

Keywords: Corporate, Invisible scientist, Interdisciplinary, STS


This work brings to discussion a “daily-life-science” that was developed by companies and that usually are not identified as science. Adaptations of "imported" technologies and the naturalization of a more localized knowledge are some facts that almost always disappear in the final report of the projects. Knowing that the story is almost always told by the viewpoint of the winners, this work aims to give historicity to the interconnections, negotiations and associations made by the actors who participated in the crossing of a subfluvial optical cable in the Amazon River.


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How to Cite
De Oliveira Cardoso, M. C., & Macedo Costa Dantas, R. M. (2017). The periphery of peripheries: a daily-life-science developed by regional laboratories of "corporate worlds": a case study. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 1(1), 7.
Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade