Chuang Tzu e o pensamento da plenitude

Keywords: Hermeneutics, Chuang Tzu, Poetics, Philosophy of technology


This paper discusses Chuang Tzu[1]’s thought regarding happiness and freedom, in two of his texts: “The Great Wisdom” and “Active Life”. His work, aside the chronological distance of twenty four centuries, presents many difficulties for the western reader, as it belongs to an eastern school of thought. Thomas Merton’s reading and collection of his thought will be used. A central debate will be established: one between Chuang Tzu’s poetic vision, that promotes a defunctionalization of life and human being, and the current perception in globalized society, which stands for all-encompassing utility and functionality, the highest and current point in the western metaphysical tradition.


[1] Chinese thinker from 4th century BC.


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How to Cite
Lira Costa, A. V. (2017). Chuang Tzu e o pensamento da plenitude. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 1(1), 7.
História e Filosofia das Ciências e da Matemática