Space ShooterPolygon 2D: a nostalgic rescue

Keywords: Games, Shoot'em Up, Shump


The Shoot’em up games had a great influence at history of games, since from their beginning until present days, with a major presence on indie games ascension, which ones are independent developers’ group, composed by one or more people. The game-title of this work, as well as their layouts, gameplays and development trough game engines, aims a revival proposal of this genre, forgotten for the main publishers and game studios, as a consequence of Japanese games scene stagnation. These studies can stimulate an interesting discussion between indie and “blockbuster” games.


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Author Biography

Thiago de Melo Ferreira, HCTE - NCE - UFRJ

IT Technichian at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro


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How to Cite
de Melo Ferreira, T. (2017). Space ShooterPolygon 2D: a nostalgic rescue. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 1(1), 10.
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