A Territoriality in the Hiperdialetic Logical-Cultural View

Keywords: Hyperdialetic logic, Territoriality, Territory organization, Hyperdialetic cities


Theobjective of this work is to seek an understanding of territoriality from the perspective of the Hiperdialetic Logical System (HLS), which allows mapping the aggregates human formation process throughout history and thus opening for a new understanding horizon about the real model of the city and its transformation possibilities. The construction of a hyperdialetic culture will only reach its fullness after going through the different past dimensions, recognizing them and integrating them in their particularities. For that, it`ll be necessary to demand much more from the human being.


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How to Cite
Moreno, E. L., & Gomes, M. P. (2017). A Territoriality in the Hiperdialetic Logical-Cultural View. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 1(1), 8. https://doi.org/10.51919/revista_sh.v1i1.131
Epistemologia, Lógicas e Teorias da Mente