Considerations on indisciplinarities

Keywords: Indisciplinarities, Tanslations, CTS


Communing and sometimes paraphrasing thinkers as Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, we tried to thinking about technoscience as an undisciplined thing seeking to use it as a strategy for local collectives self-determination. This has some differences from those strategies that practically seek or find self-extinction in other legacies. It is neither easy nor normal to look for collective-relational dimensions of local reality without trying to universalize them. The work makes considerations about how to elaborate symmetrical thoughts about concepts under construction or established and thinks about indisciplinarity as a strategy developed in the light of pertinence, communion and the potential of local interests, resisting the pressures to subordinate them in the face of universal knowledge.


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How to Cite
Paiva, E. N., & Turco, C. S. (2017). Considerations on indisciplinarities. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 1(1), 7.
Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade