Inquisition, imperialism and xenophobia: rethinking the scientific attitude in the Post-truth Era

Keywords: Psychic reality, Sectorial rationalism, Natural Relativism, Post-truth, Terraplanism


This article proposes a change of attitude in the way of thinking and communicating science in the current post-truth scenario. Supported by C.G. Jung’s analytical psychology, we analyze the present context as a natural response of the collective unconscious to the epistemic violence of modernity. Bachelard's sectorial rationalism will be opposed to Kuhn’s epistemological model of paradigms and revolutions, to analyze the question of terraplanism, chosen as an illustrative case of post-truth. Relating these authors to the new science propagated by Bruno Latour, we will propose the principle of Gestalt to think transdisciplinarity in science, which is no longer based on the moral right-wrong dichotomy, but works in an integrative manner, putting into dialogue Latour’s natural relativism and Jung’s psychic reality.


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How to Cite
Rocha Bichara, M. R., & Koehler, C. B. G. (2020). Inquisition, imperialism and xenophobia: rethinking the scientific attitude in the Post-truth Era. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 2, 9.
História e Filosofia das Ciências e da Matemática