
  • Scientiarum Historia Magazine

    For more than a decade, the Postgraduate Program in History of Sciences and Techniques and Epistemology (HCTE) at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) has been promoting the Scientiarum Historia Congress. As part of HCTE's actions, the best works are selected from publications in the Proceedings of our annual congress (ISSN 2675-7559), and are gathered in versions that undergo rigorous double-blind peer review, becoming, when accepted, publications in the Journal Scientiarum Historia (ISSN 2675-6404), namesake of the event.

    In recent years, the Revista Scientiarum Historia has also been opening up to submission, review and publication in a continuous flow, expanding its scope and access by the scientific community to the opportunity to make its research proposals and results available in the inter/transdisciplinary scope.

    Open to contributions that project excellent science beyond the disciplinary fields that mark the academic origins of its researchers, and prioritizing perspectives, questions and interdisciplinary theoretical, methodological and experimental systems of knowledge. The intersection of logical-structural, technological and creative visions and processes of experimental sciences, philosophy and the arts, presses for new modes of problematization and new scientific methodologies, which prove to be efficient in promoting the necessary dialogue at the frontiers of knowledge, which has long been transcending old field demarcations, and forcing the scientific community to conceptual and procedural migrations.


  • InterTrans: Revista científica

    Intertrans é uma revista inter- e transdisciplinar. Possui um foco amplo de interesses, entretanto não pode se abrir para aquilo que não faça sentido. O que faz sentido são contribuições bem elaboradas a partir de: resultados de pesquisas experimentais (Estudos de caso); reflexões sobre temas artísticos, científicos e sociais (Artigos originais); resenhas de livros - teóricos ou históricos - que alcancem o estado da arte de algum tema ou objeto (Resenhas); expressões inspiradas e inspiradoras das artes e literatura (Imagens & Palavras). Autores convidados poderão realizar revisões sobre temas de especial interesse para a revista (Revisões).

  • Interdisciplinaridade em Revista

    Training magazine in publishing and management of journals. It has not been conceived to be indexed, although it has all the technical characteristics of a real magazine. Through this magazine, graduate students are qualified to create and manage scientific editorial activities.