About the Dorsum - VídeoFotoPerformance: notes on movement research based upon Helenita Sá Earp Dance Fundamentals

Keywords: Dance. Creative Process. Bases of Support. Artistic Anatomy, Helenita Sá Earp Dance Fundamentals


This work aims to reflect on the creative process involved in the making of  "About the Back: VideoFotoPerformance Installation" by the UFRJ Contemporary Dance Company. About the Dorsum" is work that combines videodance, photography and performance that explores situations where virtual and on-scene performers move only in the base lying down, revealing the poetic nuances of moving lying in their infinite expansions. The research was based on the Helenita Sá Earp Dance Fundamentals as a theoretical and methodological pole and involved a field of creative experimentation of movement in the lying base in the dorsal decubitus position. In 2019, the work became part of the web series “Helenita Sá Earp’s Dance Fundamentals - Study of the Movement in the Lying Base - Supine Position” that was launched in the 100 Years Helenita Sá Earp Occupation at Rio de Janeiro’s Cacilda Becker Theater .


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How to Cite
Meyer, A., Earp, A. C. de S., & Peres, M. S. (2021). About the Dorsum - VídeoFotoPerformance: notes on movement research based upon Helenita Sá Earp Dance Fundamentals . Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 1, 14. https://doi.org/10.51919/revista_sh.v1i0.288
Educação, Cultura e Cidadania