How to inhabit a non-place in times of crisis? Race and gender of “Homo post pandemicus

Keywords: Keywords. Standpoint. Gender ideology. Queer theory. Counter-sexual. Anima/animus.


This article is a transdisciplinary essay following the congress proposal to think about the “Homo post pandemicus” affections, facing the civilizational crossroad of the year 2020. Based on the current notion of “standpoint” as a vector of politicization of contemporary academic production, we approach the issue of the “non-place” spread in various layers of contemporary life. To illustrate the standpoint of a non-place, we carried out a critical analysis of the radical social constructivism currently present in some gender discussions, renewing the concepts of complex psychology in the light of recent evidence. Opposing the postmodern Queer Theory with another view, inspired by non-Western sexuality, which we argue is better supported by scientific evidence.


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How to Cite
Bichara, M. R. R., & Koehler, C. B. G. (2021). How to inhabit a non-place in times of crisis? Race and gender of “Homo post pandemicus. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 1, 9.
Epistemologia, Lógicas e Teorias da Mente